How I Use Bubbles to Take the Struggle out of Mealtime - for Big Kids & Little Kids

How I Use Bubbles to Take the Struggle out of Mealtime - for Big Kids & Little Kids

We have been getting asked a lot lately why we use bubbles before our feeding therapy sessions. The short answer is that kids like bubbles a lot more than doing deep breathing exercises.

There are actually several different reasons why we use bubbles. Here are a few of the main reasons:

How I Found a Good School for My Child Who Has Sensory Processing Disorder

How I Found a Good School for My Child Who Has Sensory Processing Disorder

Some subjects are easy to write to about while others are still painful to this very day. Even though this topic is still painful, I have promised myself for a long time to write about it to help others in a similar situation to know they are not walking the path of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) parenting alone and give them strength to know they will make the best decision they can for their child at that particular moment.

Does My Picky Eater Need Feeding Therapy Or Will They Grow Out of It?

Does My Picky Eater Need Feeding Therapy Or Will They Grow Out of It?

As a feeding therapist, I get asked this question all of the time. The tricky part, is that research tells us that many kids are picky at some point in their life. About 50% of parents rate their toddlers (ages of 19-24 months), as a picky eater (Carruth, B.,, 2004). Between the ages of 2 ½ to 4 ½, 30% of parents rate their child as a picky eater (Dubois, 2007). Fortunately, about half of the picky eaters do grow out of it. The tough part, is figuring out which kids will grow out of it, and which kids need some help.

This is How I’m Letting My Daughter Have More Space to Be Her

This is How I’m Letting My Daughter Have More Space to Be Her

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), is only one part of my daughter.  It is an integral part of her daily functioning and how she copes with her environment minute to minute.  I have always been determined to not let SPD define her as a person and so I’ve begun giving her space to explore herself. We’ve stopped saying “no” and we’ve started to say “yes”.

6 Tips for Building Social Skills

6 Tips for Building Social Skills

Making friends and fitting-in is frequently one of the biggest concerns parents of kids with Sensory Processing Disorder have, but social skills affect everyone. Luckily, as an occupational therapist I have learned that the absolute favorite part of my job is working with groups of children on social interaction skills. I’d say it’s one of my specialties. Giving a child and family possibility in this area is very meaningful to me.

My Tween Is Refusing Treatment for Sensory Processing Disorder

My Tween Is Refusing Treatment for Sensory Processing Disorder

We’ve hit a brick wall in therapy. Our 11-year-old severely needs therapy for his Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and his visual tracking disorder. Thanks to preteen angst, he’s refusing to go. I watch him as he struggles to read his schoolwork and sloppy handwriting, along with many other SPD beasts that are a part of his daily life. This is uncharted territory for me.

My Son's Train Obsession - A Parent Perspective on Sensory Processing Disorder

My Son's Train Obsession - A Parent Perspective on Sensory Processing Disorder

With the birth of our son Jackson, who has Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), came the entrance of trains into my life. Yes, trains of all kinds. Steam, commuter, cargo, cartoon, long, short, toy…It didn’t matter, as long as it was a train. From the moment he could focus his eyes on a toy and show interest in specific objects, trains ruled his world. The joy that they brought to his face was unmistakable.

4 Tips To Survive the Holidays With a Picky Eater

4 Tips To Survive the Holidays With a Picky Eater

The holidays are a fun and exciting time for all of us.  We love to share our traditions with our extended family members and enjoy eating all the special foods that go along with big holiday meals.  However, what do you do if you have a child who refuses to eat any of your family’s traditional dishes?  Living with a Picky Eater at the holidays can be even more challenging than living with them the rest of the year.  Here are some tips to make the holidays with your Picky Eater more survivable:

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